Tips to Help you crack HRM KT by Sem 5 Topper!


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Subject: Human Resource Management

Tips By: Jyoti Singh, Valia College Topper.

Hello everyone, I would like to extend my gratitude towards for giving me this opportunity to share some tips for clearing KT in  HRM.

“Human resource is life blood of any organization”…
   Men behind the machine is more important and it is one of the most practical subject which is very much applicable to the real life situations.

Tips to crack KT in HRM:

1. HRM is  elaborate and a theory  subject. While preparing for it you need to be very clear in various concepts of it.

2. Keep a track of last 5 years question papers ,which in turn will help you to know questions asked by the papersetters.

3. Since HRM is a lengthy paper , Time Management skills to solve it should be developed. You can practice it by solving papers within the stipulated time.

4.  Complete 100% paper as every single is counted and we cannot afford to lose it.

5. Try to attempt Q6 i.e short notes as you can score more marks in it as compared to long questions.

6. Relate each answer with certain practical examples.

Case study solving:

1. Case study should be compulsorily attempted. As you just need to justify your view points.

2. Read the case carefully and underline the important points and than relate them with the questions given.

3. Personal opinions should be based on analysis, assumptions, decision making and problem solving techniques.

4. Allocate not more than 30 minutes for the case.

       Hope it would be beneficial to everyone. And all good wishes for the same. Keep calm and be positive and motivated  on the exam day…. All the best.



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Ami Pandya

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