Tips to make studying Environmental management interesting and easy.


Environmental Management is a Theory Subject which involves management of all components of the bio-physical environment, both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic). The three main issues that affect managers are those involving politics (networking), programs (projects) and resources (money, facilities, etc.). One learns about the Environment Composition, Resources and Wealth, Environmental Degradation and need for Sustainable Development.

It almost like studying E.V.S from our school days, isn’t it? So if we have studied it once why are they making us go through it all over again? Environment didn’t stop affecting us once we cleared school. It still is and will forever be a very valuable part of every human being’s life, which is why it is so important to learn this subject.

As future managers in making it is very important that, we value our environmental resources and utilize them effectively. We must also become proactive and conserve the depleting resources, which we can do only if we know about them and the reasons why they are getting depleted.

Now, all this gyaan apart, learning this subject does get boring for many of us and if it does for you too, then don’t worry! Here are a few ways in which you can make studying this subject more interesting:

The syllabus is divided as follows:


Unit I : Environment: Definition and Composition : Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere, Biosphere. Biogeochemical cycles – Carbon, Nitrogen and Hydrological Cycle, Man and Nature relation and interaction with respect to Food, Clothing, Shelter and Occupation: Concept of Ecology and Ecosystem.

Unit II : Resources and Wealth : Meaning, Types of Resources, Exploitation of Resources, Use of Technology and its Impact on Natural Environment: Wealth – Meaning, Distinction between wealth and resources, Optimum Conversion of Resources into wealth : Anthropogenic Waste – its effects, Man-made Industrial waste.

Unit III: Environmental Degradation: Meaning, Causes: Degradation of Urban Land, Forest and Agricultural Land due to natural causes and human interference: Global Warming: Problems of non-degradable Waste – Electronic Devices, Plastic and Manmade fibers. Environmental Assessment – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Auditing, Environmental Legislation in India, Carbon Bank.

Unit IV: Environmental Management: Meaning, Development and Environmental Linkages, Environmental concerns in India. The need for sustainable development, Actions for environmental protection: national and international initiatives emerging environment management strategies, Indian initiatives – Environmental Protection Movements and NGO’s in India.

Unit V: Disaster Management:

Meaning, Need and Planning with reference to Flood, Storms, Tsunami, Cyclones and Earthquakes in India.

Out of these five, the first is the easiest you have learnt all of this countless number of times in your school days. Just pick up your book and read it once, get your concepts cleared up if any doubts and you are done with it.

Take up the fifth unit after this, its interesting, with something new to learn and all the concepts can be related with current affairs in real life. The best way to learn about these concepts is to Google them and find out related incidents, that way it becomes interesting and the concept gets imprinted in your head. One benefit is that your general knowledge increases as well.

The fourth, second and the third unit come in the end. Take up topics that interest you first and learn them, textual learning is the best way for these units, you can add up a little information from related books and sites, if you have the time and interest.

Go about the subject this way and you never know what you hated could become one of your favorites in a short while.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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