Tips to solve Case Studies in International Finance


Mumbai University has adopted Case Study based Paper pattern in International Finance for BMS.

The case study has been asked for 16 marks in Section I compulsory always.

Case study marks may vary from 14 to 18. Or may be they may put two small case studies for 8 or 9 marks each.

There had been 3 types of Case study observed in the University Papers so far-

1) Case study on Balance of Payments

2) Compiled/Edited Case Study

3) Article from Leading Publications or Newspapers

1) Case study on Balance of Payments-

It is to check your accounting abilities . i.e. to remember all the heads of BoP and post the entry on the appropriate (credit or debit) side. Alternatively, BoP data is given and students are asked to calculate current account balance, trade balance, basic balance etc.

Analytical case studies on BoP are also possible. In such case BoP tables may be given and you would be required to interpret the trend, meaning, its indications for that economy etc. The case study could be a mix of calculations and analysis.

Articles on BoP, published in the Economic Times, DNA money or on the websites of RBI and IMF may also be put to you as case studies. Analytical questions may be asked.

2) Compiled/Edited Case Study-

A real or hypothetical case is compiled in the form of a corporate story or a critics’ article. A case would touch different topics of the syllabus, and relevant questions may be asked. Questions may be numerical calculations and also analytical.

3) Article from Leading Publications or Newspapers-

A recent article from leading publications may be put to analysis and comments. Usually an article that is relevant to one or many topics of the syllabus may be asked.

How to Prepare for Case Studies:-

There is no specific preparation required for case studies. You should know all the topics of the syllabus very well. As the case study is compulsory and could be from any topic of the syllabus, leaving any topic without studying it properly may be dangerous.

In addition to the syllabus study, you should regularly read The Economic Times, Business Standard, DNA Money, and finance periodicals. Visiting RBI, IMF, World Bank and European Central Bank websites periodically will also help students to great extent.

Case studies largely require application of knowledge and analytical abilities. Hence reading relevant articles and discussing them with friends and teachers would  further the abilities of the students. Analyzing Indian BoP account of the current year and comparing with BoP of the US, any African (crisis prone) country or Japan would be a great idea and a fruitful exercise.

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