Tips to write your TYBMS Sem 5 exams 2013


Examinations are nothing less than a battle field where in your efforts of a semester will be evaluated in 2 hours, so it becomes extremely important to be well prepared for your battlefield. In order to be well versed for your examination it is very much necessary that you are well versed with your concepts so that you can present your answers in an appropriate manner. Time Management is another crucial aspect you should look for, and present your strategies so that you can complete your full paper in allotted time frame.

It is extremely important to pay special attention to personal response question as there is no readymade answer available to such questions, so before attempting such question you should be aware that you are well versed with the concept of self response question so that you can present you thought process in brilliant manner. Examples should be part of answers, so as to make the answer more presentable.

Case studies are quite confusing for every student, as case studies are a combination of a situational analysis and a theoretical topic which a candidate is expected to link together, so that a proper case can be presented, in case studies try to support your answer with case examples which are similar to the concept related to case.

Finally be confident and try to solve the entire paper which is very much necessary and wish you all the best for your examinations.

Any further doubt related to examination or any other doubts please mail me to


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Pritesh Somani
I have completed my MMS (Marketing), I believe in a simple philosophy i.e. consider student as your friend and improve their performance in their academic structure. I completed by Bachelor of Management studies from Mumbai University. I cleared my UGC – NET Examination in June 2012, currently I am pursuing my Masters of Philosophy from D.Y Patil institute of Management studies. I am currently working with Pragati College of Arts & Commerce as Assistant Professor and also doing my M.Phil from DY Patil Institute of Management Studies.


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