Tips you can use to diffuse the Marketing K.T. trauma….!!!



To help you out withe your sem 5 KT prepration, we have topper Navmeen Khot from CKT college listing out special tips and advises that will help you hit the jackpot and clear away your KT! 

Subject: Special Studies in Marketing

Semester: V

Well, to be a marketing genius, it takes the market to run through ones veins. But we aren’t here to become any honchos, for our target is to score at least an easy 24 this time. If you dream for more I do appreciate it. These are certain tips, hope, which followed diligently will easily help you cross the 30 marks scale. Here,

  • First of all what counts, for me, is the positive attitude before you pick up any subject, that “am gonna do it.”
  • Jot down what topics are yet to be covered and what have already been covered.
  • Get yourself thorough with the topics covered so you don’t have to go back to it again.
  • Once done, take up topics that need your time and attention and get through it.
  • I am not the paper setter, so me suggesting you the topics would be unjust.
  • Rather take a look through past papers and compare your preparations. It’s always better to self evaluate.
  • Coming to solving papers, the main important thing is to manage your time. Guys, this is must. This is where most people slip through and then keep repenting.
  • As per the popular and a successful practice, solve Section Two first and make it a point you attempt the Short notes in Que.6. Bifurcation of marks does help in scoring.
  • Getting back to Section One, solve case study first. Then go to 3marks concept questions in Que.1. So that if you face time crunch, you afford to lose minimum marks.
  • The next must for a Marketing paper is Examples. Put as many and as latest examples wherever applicable with minimum explanation. Even though examples are not asked try to put them forcibly to increase the length of your answers and flaunt your topic knowledge. Make sure the examples are apt for the topics asked.
  • Don’t goof up with examples if you are not sure. The examiner is indeed a Philip Kotler worshipper and would easily catch you.
  • Also make sure to draw necessary diagrams wherever necessary to make an additional impression. It also helps you to convince the examiner that you have a good knowledge about the topic. Don’t forget to underline the keywords and also your examples. Presentations do matter a lot.
  • Try to make your paper as ‘examiner-friendly’ as possible.
  • Talking about the size of answers, the lengths of answers can be like min.3/4th page for 3mark answer, 2page for a 5mark short note and min.3 ½ pages for long answers and case study answers. No doubt all answers with examples and diagrams if you can.
  • Make sure you fill at least 20-22 pages of your answer sheet, obviously with the relevant matter.
  • Give your 100% and leave rest to God.
  • The time is too less and you have no time to lose, so pull your socks and be ready, for all’s well that ends well.


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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