Tony Tan – President Of Singapore



Tony Tan Keng Yam is the seventh President of Singapore, in office since 2011 He served as a Member of the Singapore Parliament from 1979 to 2006 and held various ministerial portfolios, including defense, finance, Arts, trade and industry.

Some Facts About The Singapore President:

1. Tan was Deputy Prime Minister when he retired from government in 2005. He then became executive director and deputy chairman of the Government Investment Corporation (GIC), before resigning to contest the 2011 presidential election.


Singapore Politics

2.In April 1978, Tan was appointed chairman of the Singapore Bus Service (SBS) by the government. At SBS, Tan dealt with service, labor and infrastructure issues and the appointment was seen to be a measure of his suitability for a political career. He also joined the People’s Action Party (PAP) around this time, and was later named as one of its candidates for by-elections in January 1979.


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3. Tony Tan in his career has received a lot of awards and achievements. They are as follows:

1988 : Medal of Honor from National Trades Union Congress.
1992 : Distinguished Services Award from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Club of Singapore.
1992 : Education Award from Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Singapore Foundation.
1994 : Doctor of Science, honoris causa, from Lough borough University.
1995 : Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, from Murdoch University.
2005 : Eminent Alumni Award from National University of Singapore.
2008 : President’s medal from Australian Chamber of Commerce.
2010 : Distinguished Australian Alumnus Award from Australian Alumni Singapore.

4. Tony Tan has met Respected Dignitaries. Some of them are shown in the pictures below:

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Diamond Jubilee Tour - Day 1




5. Tony Tan– 7th President’s Oath video is below:


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Roshni Keshavan
I'm a BMS Student. I'm good at communication and managing work.


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