Top 10 Awesome Patriotic Happy Independence Day 2014 SMS, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages




1) Freedom in D Mind,
Faith in D words..
Pride in our Souls..
Lets salute D Nation ..our Independence Day!
Vande Mataram.



2) Let’s Take Decision

To Value Our Nation
Won’t Forget Those Sacrifices,
Who Gave Us Freedom
Now Its Our Turn
To Have A Reformation.
Happy Independence day to all!
Lets Celebrate this Day. 

3) Others might have forgotten,
But never can i,
The Flag of my country
Furls very high,
Happy Independence day


4) Today we come together,
Be the cause for the unity,
Make it Beautiful day another..
Fight against corruption,
S purl the flag of On NATION
Happy Independence Day!


5) Other might have forgotten,

But never can i,
The Flag of my country
Furls very high,
Happy Independence day


6) I’ve got a rocket
In my pocket;
I cannot stop 2 play.
Away it goes!
I’ve burned my toes.
It’s Independence Day


7) On Independence Day,Here\’s wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us…NOW AND ALWAYS!


8) Today we r miles apart
but I wanna reach across the miles
& say I’m thinking of u
in a very special way


9) Red, white and blue
colors so true.
with 50 stars and several strips
it makes my heart beat with pride
to watch it wave through the blue sky
makes me sit and wonder why?
why so many battles,
why so many tears,
why so many wars throughout these years
those who fought and those who dies went down
in the ground and went with pride
since 9/11 nothings been the same but if we
work together we can rebuild our fame.
as you read this you will see that i love my
country with liberty and death because i know deep
down inside we are the best..
Happy Independence Day.


10) Life is full of vibrations, not of bombs But of harmony N happiness Enjoy it with full masti, spirituality N rhythm. Happy Independence Day





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