Top 10 Best Internet Reactions To Yuvraj Singh’s Bad Day At World T20


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  1. #Yuvraj – if you get paid for a very good performance , you should be penalised also . Penalty is always higher that’s the basic rule
  2.  Those hurling abuses at Yuvraj are the reason that Congress might come to power again. #IndvSL #wt20final #Yuvraj
  3. #Yuvraj does not deserve any sympathy. BCCI shld take back d rs 1 cr prize given to him during world cup 2007 for 6 sixes in an over.
  4. You can joke about a politician or an actor. More or less he will give you reasons. Not about a sportsman’s effort. Never, ever. #Yuvraj
  5. Defending #Yuvraj is like defending murder by police by saying that policemen saved lots of lifes in the past 🙂
  6. a biggg shame on all those who blame #Yuvraj for losing of world cup , get a life guys it’s just a game leave behind dis sick mentality 🙁
  7. We #Indians are stupid If #Yuvraj doesn’t perform well we pelt stones at hs house If a Neta doesn’t do anything for 5 yrs,we elect him again
  8. One bad game and he is a villain.Being cursed by many. Forgot that he was the same player who made us proud many times. #IndiavsSL #yuvraj
  9. When sports being played with the fear of getting failed ,is when ,it actually gets you more close to failure. #Yuvraj
  10. shameful behavior by indians, come on people he won the the 2011 WC cup for you guys! #Yuvraj















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