Top 10 Best Motivating Happy Republic Day 2014 SMS, Greetings, Quotes, Sayings, Messages In English To Share With Your Friends

1) Freedom in the mind,
Faith in the words,
Pride in our hearts, 
And memories in our souls.
Happy Republic Day 2014!
2) One nation,
One vision,
One identity,“No nation is perfect,It needs to be made perfect.”Meri Pehchaan Mera IndiaHappy Republic Day 2014!
3) On this day think of your past,N try to built better future for all of us,

It is a duty of all of us.

Happy Republic Day 2014!


4) Even As We Celebrate This Memorable Day

In The History Of Our Mother Nation,

Let Us Keep Checking On Our Underprivileged

Brothers And Sisters On The Streets;

Let Us Show The Beauty Of This Nation

To Everyone Regardless Of Social,

Economic Or Financial Background.


5) Freedom in the mind,

Faith in the words,

Pride in our hearts ,

And memories in our souls.

Happy Republic Day 2014!


6) On this day think of our past and

Try to built better future for all of us..

It is a duty of all of us!!
I am proud to be an Indian.
Happy Republic Day 🙂
7) Our life is full of Colors …I hope this 26th January will add
more colors to your life..
Happy Republic Day 2014!
8) Republic Day is the dayWhen we legally became the
proud citizen of India.
Let’s salute the occasion.
Jai Hind and enjoy that day.


9) Other might have forgotten,

But never can I,

The flag of my country,

Furls very high.

Happy Republic Day 2014!


10) Let Us Pray For

The Prosperity and Unity of Our Country

On this Republic Day

As We Remember Those Who Fought

to Give Us the Freedom

Vande Mataram


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