Top 10 Comedy-Horror flicks of Bollywood.


Horror Genre is a difficult genre to work with especially in Indian cinema. Bollywood filmmakers trying their hands in the horror genre fail drastically looking funny and hilarious. White sari clad women roaming about deserted mansions holding an ominous candle, humming a haunting tune or creepy ghosts attacking an unsuspecting party of people stuck in the middle of nowhere or Spirits taking possession of a living body and wreaking havoc with their furious behavior somehow, turn out to be funny than looking scary.

The cinematography, effects, acting, music and direction are all badly implemented which makes us laugh out loud. Offlate, Ram Gopal Verma and Vikram Bhatt are the notable names that claim their movies to be scary and spooky. I offer you my list of the ten best comedy horror films to make you scream in fright and laugh with delight!

  1. Haunted

The movie had nothing even closer to its title. The movie overall was a fail directed by the Bhatt camp. The plot is as insane as it can get. Haunted 3D is a 2011 horror film which had a really funny script. And one certainly never imagined one would have to perch up the uncomfortable 3D glasses to watch the heroine getting raped and molested by assorted forms (human, spirit, spirit in female form…egad!).


2. Vastu shastra

Vastu Shastra showed a series of funny things and twists. The child making imaginary friends, the maid stealing things from home, supporting characters dying just after a lovemaking session, girl’s body gets hung on the tree on its own… On the whole, Vaastu Shastra is not so much spooky because of its story but its eerie silences, its spine-chilling milieu and unexpected twists that take you on a ghostly trip and leave you with a cold and creepy feeling by the time you walk out of the theater.


3. Darna mana hai

Ram Gopal Varma has done some serious mistakes by making horror movies. All six stories that were linked to each other in the film were so funny and unrealistic and that not for a single moment you would feel that they could scare someone. Not all movies can make us get goose bumps RGV!


4. Kaal

To begin with, a horror movie starting off with an item song was enough to make it sound funny. The movie was completely messed up with some over-acting done by Vivek and Lara Dutta. It was indeed amusing to watch a tiger turned into a man-killer just because tourists didn’t follow the rulebook of his jungle. Is it funny by any chance?


5. Raaz 3d

Too gross to imagine creepy cockroaches coming out of a washbasin pipe and spreading all over. Ewww! But Esha Gupta did it with so much conviction that it made us laugh. Unfortunately, this film lacked adequate technological inputs and the result was –it ended up qualifying as comedy.


6. Ragini MMS2

And now the latest one. Baby dolls are not scary. Especially when they are dancing! Sunny looks deathly desirable and plays the sexed-up baby doll with abandon.  For horror-buffs this might not be ‘spookilicious’ enough, but those looking for a ‘sun-sunny’ weekend, it was ummmm.. you know!


7. Aatma

The film is actually confusing which will make you as, “What did just happen?” One is tempted to look for layers of meaning beneath the images. There is none. You are left clutching at thin air.  Director Suparn Verma had a very predictive plot which had no thrill in it.


8. Darr @ the mall

Item song ‘Pinnacolada’ was the hilarious thing ever done to this movie. Editing is amateur and so is the camera work which reminds you of C grade horror show on small screen. Arif ‘Haunted’ Zakaria continues to pop his eyes out in every horror film and other supporting cast members sleepwalk or provide unintentional comic relief. Dialogues evoke laughter every now and then and background score is uninspiring.

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9. Band Darwaza

Considered to be a landmark creation in horror cinema, Band Darwaza remains a perfect stress buster even today. It gets funnier when the girl being victimised prays to the Dracula to spare her. Really? You think he would even bother to listen!


10. Veerana

Where else you’d see skimpily clad women seducing men and then suddenly giving them a shock of their life with the most gruesome and ugliest face of a ghost. You may rather say it as Baby Doll in BLACK. First the producers announced to award a cash price to any person who dares to watch the movie alone, and then rumours spread that a person who did meet the dare, lost to life to a cardiac arrest.  I guess the heart failure must have been due to the excessive laughter if anything else.


-Tanvi Shah

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Smita Singh


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