Top 10 Creative Reasons ‘Design Thinking’ Is the Next Thing In Business Schools


Design Thinking is application of tools and procedures from the design disciplines i.e. product design, graphic design, interior design, architecture, landscape architecture and so on. It emphasizes on unleashing the creative potential of individuals and organizations across all sectors to innovate in fulfilling their mission at the local, regional, national and international level. Design Thinking aims to create exciting developments by using human creativity and ingenuity.

design thinking

Here we present Top 10 Creative Reasons ‘Design Thinking’ Is the Next Thing In Business Schools:

1) Design thinking tries to solve the problem of an end user by ideation of a solution and lots of prototyping and testing.

2) It creates and builds new business ventures by bringing the human factor into work and by designing for people’s behavior.

3) Design thinking helps to understand human needs and find out quickly what works and what doesn’t.

4) It is an approach to apply human interaction and the mysterious process of brainstorming to create new products and businesses.

5) It depends on our ability to recognise patterns, construct ideas, be intuitive and express ourselves using words or symbols or anything that creates emotionally meaningful and functional products.

6) It the process of getting that “one right answer” by exploring multiple concepts in parallel.

7) It is just a way of thinking wherein you constantly question and challenge yourself to ask if the problem and the answer is still the right one.

8) It is an end to a nagging issue and search of solutions in places no one had been before.

9) It is all about deep empathy i.e. to get inside the minds of the consumers / people in order to create value for the business as well as its consumers.

10) Best Example of Design Thinker is Steve Jobs who thought outside the box, acted rapidly and implemented his projects with full-on intensity. 


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