Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In Marathi For Facebook And Whatsapp




Rang-gandhachya utsavat

Samil hou ya sarejan

Gudhipadvyachya shubhecha deun

happy valentine day

Sakali hastes Dupari hastes Sandhyakali hastes

Ratri hastes Gharat hastes Rastyat hastes

Yetana baghun hastes Jatana baghun hastes

Tila kay vaatte Tu ektich dat ghastes?

happy valentine day

Sagar kinari basun koni radat asel,

tuzi aathavan kadhun koni tadphadat asel,

Hrudyavar hath thevun ekda vichar tar kar,

Tuzyasathi pan koni jagat asel.

Najuk Paklya Kiti Sundar Asatat,
Rangit Kalya Rojach Umalat
Asatat, Najaret Bharnari Sarvach
Asatat, Parantu Hrudayat Rahnari
Manase Farach Kami Asatat..ajay ingale

grishmat paus padtil ase dhag asavet

na magta sobat detil ase MITRA asavet


Premat Jari “Padalo” Tari,
Aamhala kadhich “Lagat” nahi,
Karan ekivar prem karun,
Aamach kadhich “Bhagat” nahi !!
Happy Valentine’s Day

Gulabace phool
He premache chinh,
Ani Te tula kase dyave??
he mazapudhe prashnachinh. ????



Me phule magitli
Tu mala pushpaguchya dilas
Me dagad magitla
Tu mala sundar murti dilis
Me morpis magitle
Tu mala mor dilas
bahiri aahes ki kay ?
Wish you a perfect Valentine’s day

Happy Valentine’s Day!

iche tiche karde karde pai
barech divas jale tumcha sms yet nay
tumhala bird flue zale ki kay ?
Happy Valentine’s day

Jivnachya watewar Kalyanche bandh futun jatat
Wahun jate sahwasache pani
Tarihi Maitricha Ankur tag dharun rahto
Karan bhijat rahtat tya Aathavani e.
happy valentine day


For Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Quotes, SMS, Messages, Shayari, Images, Greetings, Wallpapers, Wishes in English, Hindi,  Marathi, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Kannada:
  1. Top 25 Sweet Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In English For Facebook And Whatsapp
  2. Top 10 Sweet Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Quotes, SMS, Poems, Messages For Facebook And Whatsapp Status
  3. Top 10 Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Amazingly Beautiful Romantic Lovely Images, Greetings and Wallpapers
  4. Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Shayari, SMS, Quotes, Messages In Malayalam For Facebook And Whatsapp
  5. Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Shayari, SMS, Quotes, Messages In Urdu For Facebook And Whatsapp
  6. Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Shayari, SMS, Quotes, Messages In Kannada For Facebook And Whatsapp
  7. Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Shayari, SMS, Quotes, Messages In Gujarati For Facebook And Whatsapp
  8. Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In Bengali For Facebook And Whatsapp
  9. Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In Marathi For Facebook And Whatsapp
  10. Top 10 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In Tamil For Facebook And Whatsapp
  11. Top 15 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In Telugu For Facebook And Whatsapp
  12. Top 10 Sweet Awesome Lovely Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 Quotes, SMS, Poems, Messages In Punjabi For Facebook And Whatsapp Status

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