Top 10 English SMS And Wallpapers of Happy New Year 2015

  1. “Lighten up your surroundings with your sweet smile, And make way for happiness with your good deeds this New Year, Happy New Year!”
  2. “Beauty.. Freshness.. Dreams.. Truth.. Imagination.. Feeling.. Faith.. Trust.. This is beginning of a new year! “Happy new year”.
  3. On 1st January, when Moon Sets and Sun Rises, the world would wake up to a new dawn, i wish all my friends and family live long and to witness 100 such dawns. Happy new Year.
  4. Before the calendar turns a new leaf over, before the social networking sites get flooded with messages, before the mobile networks get congested, let me take a quiet moment out to wish you a wonderful, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
  5. New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes just for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year.
  6. We wish for 2015 12 months joy 52 weeks of fun 365 days success 8760 hours health A happy new year!
  7. Μy wish that Gοοd times Αnd Τreasures of Τhe present become Τhe golden memories οf tomorrow. Wish yοu lots of lοve joy Αnd Ηappiness. Happy Νew Year.
  8. Wishing yοu not just smile Βut laughter, nοt just happiness Βut pure jοy, not just ωealth but heavens Τreasure and nοt just silence Βut God’s peace. Ηappy Νew Year 2015.
  9. May the light of success & Achievement always shine on you the year & ever after Happy Brand New Year.
  10. May this New Year bring newly found prosperity, love, Peace, happiness and delight in your life, And Your Beloved. Wish you Happy New Year!
  11. happy new year 1 happy new year 2 happy new year 3 happy new year 4 happy new year 5 happy new year 7 happy new year 8 happy new year 9 happy new year 10 happy new year 11

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Rajvi Desai

my hobby is singing.


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