Top 10 Excellent Ways Of Identifying The Career Of Your Choice And Pursue Your Passion


Career Of Your Choice




  1. EXCITEMENT AND ENJOYMENT: Think about any particular activity or work which excites you and you never feel bored doing it, any sort of activity which you can continue for hours & hours without getting tired, any sort of hobby can also be pursued as a full time work though it might scare you in beginning but you know that you love your work and you are excellent in it, so success will surely knock your door now or later.
  2. IDENTIFY YOUR STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES: The second most important thing is to identify your strength and weakness. It is also known as SWOT ANALYSIS. Prepare a column and write down your strength and weaknesses on each side, this will help you to understand that which type of work or job is more suited to you.
  3. BE PRACTICAL: Always be practical and realistic with your choice of work or goals in life. It’s good to aim high but aim should be realistic and achievable and play your games within your limits.
  4. TRY AN INTERNSHIP: Many a times it happens that you are too confused between two or more types of work, an internship could be a solution to your problem as it is an excellent way to test your abilities and identify your type of career, you may fail in it but still it will help you in some way or the other like you can network with people which may help you in future.
  5. EXPLORE CAREER FIELDS: Try and find more about different types of careers, you can use Google search engine and learn about various types of work fields and imagine yourself in doing that type of work.
  6. BRAINSTORM: Still if nothing comes in your mind then try Brainstorming, Its one of the finest technique to identify your skills and talent. Just take out a piece of paper and write down all the ideas which come to your mind there is no question of bad or good ideas here, just write them and evaluate them later and you can also discuss these ideas with your family, friends, relatives.
  7. CONSULT A CAREER COUNSELLOR: Career counsellors are people who help in finding your career path, they use a variety of innovative techniques to bring out your inner talent and identify the best career path suited to you, they often conduct IQ test to analyze your intelligence and skills and then according to your performance they suggest you different career paths.
  8. YOUR BEST PAST TIME: Many of us often indulge in a variety of activities like singing, dancing, reading etc, just to get out of boredom or because we enjoy doing it, but one can also make their best past time as his/her fulltime work.
  9.  SET GOALS AND CREATE A GAME PLAN: Before finding your way one should be clear with his target only then he can follow a suitable path to achieve it. Once you are clear with your destination you should follow the best route which will take you there and take up all the opportunities you meet in your way.
  10.  ASK QUESTION TO YOURSELF: After the age of 30 and after acquiring enough capital, what would you like to do rest of your life???—Ask this question to yourself, your heart would answer the thing which you love doing the most and this could be ideal career path for you as it is in the nature of human nature that they think money matters the most and they follow the way where they would get lots of it, some succeed in it while many others fail and lose their track because it is truly said “Strive for Excellence and Success will come behind you”—3 IDIOTS.



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Pujan Jain

hello,My name is Pujan jain. I am from Mumbai. I am currently studying in the 3rd year of Bachelor of Management Studies from KJ Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce


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