Top 10 Happy Vasant Panchami 2015 Quotes, Wishes, Messages and SMS That You Can Share With Friends And Family!


Top 10 Happy Vasant Panchami 2015 Quotes, Wishes, Messages and SMS That You Can Share With Friends And Family!

Happy Vasant Panchami


Let’s worship Goddess Saraswati to attain enlightenment through knowledge and rid ourselves of lethargy, sluggishness and ignorance.
Happy Basant Panchami!


On this day Goddess Saraswati is worshipped in various names and fames -Badal, arts and science, and deep ,Supreme knowledge. Happy Basant Panchami.


May the revered occasion of Basant Panchami,
Bring the wealth of knowledge to you,
May you be blessed by Goddess Saraswati…
and all your wishes come true.
Happy Basant Panchami.


Maa Saraswati Aapko Sadev Good Thought Pradan Karti Rahey
Maa Saraswati ki blessing aap par sada rahey…
Happy Basant Panchami.


Spring is in air, Fresh blossoms everywhere.
Sending you my warm greetings on the
auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami!


Days are too busy, hours are too few, seconds are too fast, but there is always time for me to say hello to someone like you. Smile and enjoy Basant Panchami.


No greeting card to give,
No sweet flowers to send,
No cute graphics to forward,
Just a carrying heart wishing u
Happy Basant Panchami


Aye Basant, Palla Udant!
Happy Basant Panchmi!


With the chill in the weather receding, may your sorrows also vanish like the cold weather.
Happy Basant Panchmi!


May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart, and a clear signal all day long.Nice Basant Panchami day!






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