Top 10 Interestingly Shocking Stories Of Why Flappy Bird Will Be Not Be Available Anymore!


 Dong Nguyen who created the “Flappy Bird” game in 2-3 days and made $50,000 a day through advertising revenue has removed the popular game for mobile devices from the online stories on 9th February 2014 as he feels the fame of the game “ruins his simple life” 😉

Read more interesting stories behind the game’s removal from online stores:

  1. Developer yanks ‘Flappy Bird’ after game soars to success
  2. Flappy Bird creator says popular game will fly no more
  3.  Flappy Bird | Online reaction – what really happened?
  4.  ‘Flappy Bird’ Creator Says He’s Taking The Game Down
  5.  Flappy Bird ‘to be taken down’ after ‘ruining creator’s life’
  6.  To Understand What Upset The Creator Of ‘Flappy Bird’ So Much, Read These Death Threats
  7.  Inexplicably Popular Flappy Bird Game Will Soon Cease to Exist
  8.  Flappy Bird creator pulling his hit game from app stores
  9.  Let Me Tell You About That Time I Played ‘Flappy Bird’ For 8 Hours
  10. Where did Flappy Bird go?

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