Top 10 Interestingly Unknown Shocking Truths No One Ever Tells You About BMS Life



 #1.  BMSites spend thousands of rupees on textbooks, reference books, xerox copies of notes, assignment sheets, project books that they will never use or read again in life.


#2. No matter how much BMS students think that they know their professors, coordinator and college principal well, there is always a possibility that one of the professors will fire you at some point in your BMS life making you feel absolutely hopeless.


#3. There is always going to be a BMS student in FY/SY/TYBMS class who is good at maskofying the professors by giving each and every answer to the questions asked in the lectures.


#4. Most of the BMS professors aren’t qualified to teach in majority of the BMS colleges. Your expectations shatter when you find 23-25 years grad students teaching you management lessons straight off from a Powerpoint presentation instead of gray-haired scholars full of worldly wisdom.


#5. Majority of the BMSites get rejected in college events, internships, jobs, projects etc. But never take it personally and always find a way to push forward. 


#6. There are going to be endless number of lectures you will bunk just because BMSites generally cannot complete their projects on time and face the Project Guide for chapter revisions. You may run in the campus to avoid that particular professor but there will be one day when you run into them in a college event/industrial visit/coffee shop and you would feel “What the hell?”


#7. When you realize that studying in BMS college is more like high school. Each BMS class has around 60-120 students and there are high chances that you would know everything about everyone. Spending atleast 10 hours with these people before, during and after college in a high stress environment is a recipe for disaster. By the end of first year BMS, you will find a complicated web of hookups and breakups that you need a professional “Love Guru” to get you out of the love issues.


#8. BMSites are so Bindaas that you learn from your seniors not to be FAKE or pretend when you don’t know anything. You realize that it is OK not to have all the answers and “I don’t know” or “I am not familiar with that text, could you please explain it?” becomes the most common statements in all your 3 years of BMS life.


#9. 75% of BMS students have cheated some or the other time in their college life. Cheating is everywhere especially when you have to submit assignments, projects by doing copy-paste from internet and attempt internal exams taking help of your classmates every month. 


#10. BMSites have to give presentations every now and then. It’s when you realize that you have to “dress up” for a 7 a.m. class and the official dress code is “formals”.  Even on weekends, you will not be allowed to wear comfy clothes but instead be ready to give a presentation on a Sunday too.


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