- Start using Facebook for something other than Farmville and stupid quizzes
- I will not bore my faculty with the same excuse for taking leaves and bunking. I will think of some more excuses.
- My new years resolution is 1920 x 1080.
- Study one chapter of each subject each week.
- Have a relationship that lasts atleast 3 months and not to have 2 at the same time.
- Respect my college authorities and complete all the assignments before the deadlines
- Be grateful to Mumbai University for designing such a beautiful course
- Take all the money I would spend on Starbucks, CCDs, McDonalds and invest them to buy reference books.
- Have date with my books everyday in the library
- Socialize more in real life than Facebooking and Whatsapping.
Top 10 Most Popular Funny New Year Resolutions Revealed
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