Top 10 New Year Resolutions 2015


Top 10 New Year Resolutions 2015

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NEW YEAR’S EVE is the most awaited eve of the year 😀 New Year is a time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar’s year count is incremented.  In many cultures, the event is celebrated in same manner. The New Year’s Eve is celebrated by people with their family, relatives, friends and loved ones. They share their joy, happiness with each other by celebrating the event together. The New Year according to the GREGORIAN CALENDAR falls on 1st January (New Year’s Day). As the previous year passed, everyone have some resolutions that they want to achieve in the next new year. Resolutions are the set targets by the people to themselves which they desire to gain. Different people have their different resolutions, some are related to health, some are to habits, some are unique and some are weird 😉 Everyone has New Year Resolutions but they don’t follow it honestly. Some people claim that New Year resolutions do not last more than a day. At the most, they extend to a few weeks. For the resolute hearts, they stay on for a couple of months. But resolutions are the best way to incorporate the changes you have been planning for in your life.

So how serious you’re about your New Year resolution 2015?

So there are some new amazing New Year resolution 2015 ideas. Some are simple, some are exotic but each one are unique in its own way and there is surely a one that would appeal to you!

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Get in shape:

This is one of the most common resolution which revolves around fitness, eating habits, addictions or losing weight. People try to attain their goals through proper diet control and regular exercise. So it seems getting fabulous and amazing is most chanted new age mantra.

Quit an addiction:

Addition to a bad habit will never take you anywhere good, trust me. If it does you no good then, why stick to it? If needed seek help of support groups or professionals. Mostly youngsters are the group of people who are addicted to smoking and drinking habits which needs to be control for their own well-being. If you have will, you shall find a way 🙂

Step up or step down social media activity:

If you have been out of touch with your friends and family, social media will help you get back to grove. Most of the people are not that comfortable to use social accounts for communicating to their dear ones and some are using them as an addiction that should be controlled.

Think before you speak:

Many regrets are caused because we let a harsh word slip out before giving it a proper thought. From my personal experience, some words spoken by mistakenly can hurt someone’s feelings and can make you guilty in fraction of seconds. So one should think wisely before speaking.

Management mantra:

This is for those who are always short of time in their life. You need to learn to manage your time, organise your habits and control the splurge by mastering money management.

 New year (1)

Accomplish the incomplete:

If you think your last year resolution was worth a second shot that you were not able to accomplish, try to attain it again.

Positive approach to life:

Those who always view the glass to be half full is very optimistic person who approach every situation positively and can also solve any obstacle that they may face in life.

Fun with family:

Most of the people are not able to spend time with their family because of the work loads and tight schedule. Bonding with family will add a treasure trove of memories for them to cherish all their life.

Reuse and recycle:

We are getting more and more conscious about our surroundings and ecology. So in 2014 it would be best if we took a step towards a greener planet Earth. This also includes conservation of Natural Resources.

Unleash the Angel in You:

Nothing feels better than seeing a smile on someone. Do your bit to stand by people who need support. Every little help matters.


Happy new year to all of you in advance. I hope you find my articles helpful 🙂


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Archana Negi