Top 10 Painfully Predictable New Year Resolutions That Are Impossible To Actually Keep




Do you feel crappy when you are asked to make realistic and attainable new year resolutions? The New Year Resolutions are not only painfully predictable but also difficult to follow through on.

Here are 10 ideas that are very doable but its a challenge that you would give them up on February or in few months because we believe in ‘make and break’ policy 😉 –

1) To complain less and DO more.

2) To remember that Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, BBM etc. aren’t real life.

3) To not check your mobile phone during lunch, dinner or having conversations with family members.

4) To prepare a daily/weekly/monthly schedule and work on it.

5) To not reply to a funny joke as LOL, LMAO, ROTFLMAO.

6) To stop comparing yourself with friends/relatives/celebrities or anyone.

7) To do everything in your power to make this year as the best one.

8) To have honest conversations with yourself regularly.

9) To stop trying to change people for small things and learn to adjust. 

10) To gossip less.

What are YOUR resolutions this year, and do you think you’ll keep them?

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