Top 10 Serious Excuses That Will Help You Bunk Lectures Easily & Enjoy College Life


Bunk Lectures

College life is the best and the most unforgettable part of everyone’s life. So here I come up with the 10 excuses you can frequently use to bunk college lectures.

  1. Most favourite excuse I AM NOT WELL

I mean this is the most commonly used excused ever, and this excuse not only in college we have used it in school also.

  1. Someone from home is not well.

Students say this kind of excuse frequently that my mom is not well or I have to take my sister to the hospital. Very frequently this is being used even I have used this a lot.

  1. Going to airport or railway station

hahahahhaha you can use this excuse like you need to receive  a guest from the airport or railway station or you need to drop some of your relatives to airports or railway stations.

  1. Was not carrying identity card.

In our college we frequently give such excuses like we forget our identity cards and the watchman didn’t allow us to come inside the college and we ran away from the gate.

  1. Family functions

This is also the most common and frequently used excuse “ma’am main college nahi aapaungi mere bhai ki shaadi hai or mujhe shaadi me jana hai “or need to go for some baby shower or anniversary etc.


  1. Canteen excuse

In our college this is the most successful excuse used by the students for bunking the next lecture after the break. You can give excuse like :”Ma’am, my order came late the canteen man has given us the food later. We were really very hungry as we are in the college since morning so we were not able to attend the lecture.”

  1. Sports / cultural practices.

If you are some sportsperson or if you are a part of your college cultural events or if you are in college council team you hardly need to sit for any lectures, do the work for the college and college will surely give you 100% attendance. And you can simply enjoy.

  1. Trains were late

There was traffic on the road or else the train timings were delayed so I was not able to come on time and if you are not on time the teacher will never let you attend lecture.

  1. Friend’s accident

“Ma’am while we were coming to college my friend fell down off the bike and then we went to hospital “.hahha I have actually used such sought of excuse and I still wonder how it really worked out.

  1. This is for girls: – their monthly problems (periods)

Mostly every single girl has atleast use this excuse once. That I’m not feeling well because of periods, or it suddenly got started now I need to rush back to home.

College life is seriously fun, do use these excuses but make sure you have 60% of the attendance to get your hall ticket.

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Shritika Vardhan
hello..I am shritika a second year BMS student .


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