Top 10 Shocking Tragic News Stories Of Philip Seymour Hoffman Death


Philip Seymour Hoffman, an American actor and director, winner of  the Academy Award for Best Actor (in 2005’s biographical film Capote) and nominated three times for the Best Supporting Actor died on 2nd February 2014 at West Village, New York City in United States. Here we take you to Philip Seymour Hoffman journey:

  1. Philip Seymour Hoffman: Death of the Master
  2. Philip Seymour Hoffman Only Had 1 Week of Shooting Left on The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
  3. Sources: Nearly 50 envelopes of suspected heroin in Hoffman’s apartment
  4. OD eyed in Philip Seymour Hoffman death
  5. Philip Seymour Hoffman among thousands of addiction victims
  6. Cate Blanchett visits Philip Seymour Hoffman’s family
  7. Philip Seymour Hoffman’s most memorable roles
  8. Twitter mourns Philip Seymour Hoffman, one of the greatest character actors of our time
  9. Philip Seymour Hoffman: Inside the Actor’s Very Private Personal Life
  10. Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death: 10 other celebs who died of drug overdose

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