Top 10 Simple Helpful Tips To Lighten Up Your Laughter Everyday



Research has shown that “Laughter is really the best medicine to cure all your sicknesses and illnesses. Everyone goes through stressful times in their life and while you are struggling, one of the things that can push you forward is Smile and Laugh. Yes, you may think that laughing is such a small thing and how can it make a big difference in anyone’s life? But the fact is that laughter is one of the best things that can make you feel good and amazing. Life is really complicated and tricky but the LOL moments can be encouraging to face the difficulties and lead a happy life. Here are top 10 helpful tips to bring laughter in your life:


1) Laugh at yourself whenever you make mistakes, laugh at your criticisms and laugh when people yell at you.


2) Reward yourself with funny movies or programs frequently.


3) Learn one-liners, jokes and use it in serious conversations with your friends and loved ones to make it a humor environment.


4) Spend 15 minutes of your day laughing to something or the other and term it as “giggling session”.


5) Don’t make fun of other’s weaknesses but at the same time share funny things that keeps happening around the world with your friends, co-workers etc.


6) Play with small kids and children, watch them laughing for silly things and join them in their laughter.


7) Create a collage of your funny times with your friends of school and college and keep it with you as your desktop cover or facebook cover to remind you of those great times and make you laugh.


8) Take yourself lightly when someone cracks a joke on you. Infact join them and create funny stories of how you have goofed up things in the past. 


9) Incorporate funny things / games which will make you laugh crazily and challenge people who are younger than you to beat you in the game/activity. It would be really a great fun to see how things move forward.


10) Learn different forms of dancing / different languages no matter which age-group you belong to. You would surely have fun when you discover new art forms leading to a good laugh by the end of the day.


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