Top 10 Simple Helpful Tips To Stop Lying And Start Being Honest


stop lying

Have you broken anyone’s trust? Do you think lying can help you stay away from trouble? Wanna get rid of this bad habit? Well, here are top 10 effective tips to help you stop lying and accepting the facts of life:


1) Find out the reasons why do you lie – because you cannot face the truth / to protect your reputation / you do not want to hurt others by being straightforward / lack courage and self-confidence / genuinely save someone.


2) Understand what effect lying has on those around you and start being honest with people whom you are comfortable with in the initial stage.


3) Think of solutions to the situations that will result you in telling a lie and try to work on them.


4) Understand your emotional needs and find ways to honestly meet these needs instead of using lying as an excuse to meet those needs.


5) Whenever you feel depressed or over-excited, meditate and keep your mind calm.


6) Confront people whom you had hurt because of your habitual lying, explain to them what made you do so and ask for forgiveness. Don’t take your past negative memories with you when you are trying to create a better future.


7) It will be impossible for you to stop lying overnight. Its better if you start small and commit yourself to tell small number of truths per day and increase them as time passes by.


8) Do not expect to get immediate results in 1-2 days. It will definitely take time to heal for others as well for you to change your bad habit of lying. Don’t get frustrated and lose hopes. Believe in yourself.


9) Understand that remaining silent is also a form of lying that can impact your relationship with others. Try to express yourself and elaborate or provide justifications for your actions.


10) Telling the truth can definitely decrease the stress that you are going through. It is a great relief to tell the truth and be yourself instead of being a fake personality and living for others. 

It is going to take tremendous time, efforts and patience to change the habit of lying but surely the results will be worth it.

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