Top 10 Simple Helpful Tips To Vote For The Right Candidate In Lok Sabha Elections 2014



#1. Make yourself aware of the current political happenings in India by reading news from internet/newspapers and make a note which party can do more welfare for the country.

#2. Despite of the controversies and political mishaps, convince yourself that your vote can make a difference for the next 5 years.

#3. Don’t get into a unnecessary debate with anyone (especially your friends and neighbors) about which party is the best and who should win etc.

#4. Register to vote if your name is not in the voters list. (Go through : or

#5. Collect information of the party you relate to, visit websites, listen to speeches, read blogs, articles and make a final pick.

#6. Remember the associated symbol of the political party you have thought of voting and double-check it before leaving home.

#7. Go to your nearby voting centre in the morning so that the queue doesn’t become long making you stand the whole day in line.

#8. Go to the desk and ask if you are a registered voter. Show them the necessary documents like voter id, address proof etc.

#9. State them your complete name and parents’ details and answer whatever they ask properly. Then they will mark you will a ink on your nail which means you can cast your vote.

#10. Go to the room, you will find a machine, press the symbol of the candidate. If it is a manual system, then stamp the right symbol on ballot paper and put it in a box.

You have done your part! Now chill and enjoy the remaining day 🙂

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