Top 10 Smart Tips To Get 0% in Exams!




Tired of always being a topper from school to your grad degree? Bored of all those 80’s and 90%? Sick of those majority of your jealous and average friends? Remember the below tips if you want to Fail in exams 100% with flying colors 😉

1) Do the exam, not with blue/black ballpens but with crayons and markers.

2) Start crying and shouting in every 15 minutes.

3) Do the entire exam in another language, if you don’t know any, create a new one.

4) Call the instructor every now and then and keep complaining that the questions asked are out of syllabus/incorrect.

5) Do the entire exam as if it was True/False for long answers and for 2 or 3 marks, write 3-4 pages.

6) Throw your papers violently when you don’t understand the questions.

7) Bring cheat sheets for another subject and staple them in the answer book with the comment “Please use the attached notes for references“.

8) Keep talking throughout the exams and READ QUESTIONS LOUDLY AND DEBATE THE ANSWERS with yourself.

9) Every 5 minutes, stand up and change your seat complaining about the seating arrangement.

10) Complete the exam with everything you write backwards at a 90 degree angle.


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