Top 10 Smartphones of The Year 2014


With more than dozens of smartphones released this year, most of them being in the budget space. Here’s a list of 10 smartphones that made the most impact this year.

1. Sony Xperia Z3 Compact


In an era of large sized smartphones, the Xperia Z3 Compact is remarkably superior to others, and it proves that you don’t have to deal with a 5-inch (or bigger) screen if you want a powerful phone. With a great camera and battery life, this is one of the best Android smartphone of 2014.

2. iPhone 6 Plus


Not everyone was pleased with this stretched-out iPhone. But having said that, the iPhone 6 Plus has perhaps the best camera of any smartphone this year, and its optical image stabilization results in unbelievably good low-light performance.

3. Xiaomi Mi 3


Motorola set the stage for affordable smartphones, but Xiaomi redefined unusual pricing with its flagship smartphone, the Mi 3. The Xiaomi Mi 3  offered powerful specs at just Rs. 13,999, competing a few smartphones that cost more than twice as much.

4. Oneplus One

OnePlus-One-PhoneThe OnePlus One made a lot of noise when it launched in India. The OnePlus One has been a global sensation thanks to its unbelievably low price and top-end feature set, earning it the nickname “flagship killer”. OnePlus is the latest Chinese manufacturer to adopt a global brand identity and slick packaging in order to hit the big companies where it hurts the most- the price tag. Also, OnePlus launched the phone through a single e-commerce channel and in very limited quantities.

5. Blackberry Passport

blackberry-passportConstructed like an actual Passport, the Blackberry Passport smartphone had one of the most unique and distinct personalities of any phone released this year. The only problem with this phone is its bulkiness and inconsistent third-party app support in the Blackberry 10.3 OS. Though the Canadian has something right after many years.

6. Motorola Moto E

The Moto E was one of the most important releases in India this year because it leaded the budget smartphones market with its great performance. It can do a lot of things that only high-end smartphone could do before, and that too without breaking a sweat. Although, the Moto E doesn’t have a very good camera and the ‘small’ 4.3-inch screen which might put off some buyers.

7. Asus ZenFone 5


Asus has had a stippled history in the smartphone market but it is back with full-strength now with the ZenFone series. All three siblings perform exceptionally. The ZenFone 5 stands out in particular because of its good camera and smart positioning.

8. Samsung Galaxy Note 4

note-4Of all the phablets released till date, the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 stands out impressively, all thanks to its perfect combination of hardware and software. Samsung has really worked on the big screen and stylus, to make it more user-friendly. Add to it the phablets good camera and a good battery life it makes it an perfect all-rounder.

9. Yota Devices Yotaphone

yotaThe YotaPhone is a bit too bulky and expensive, and not enough apps can take advantage of the e-ink screen. Experts hope that the second-generation Yotaphone (already announced internationally) is an improvement.

10 Intex Cloud FX and Jolla Smartphone



The last one goes to this two because the Intex Cloud FX was one of the first smartphones in India featuring Mozilla’s Firefox OS and the Jolla Smartphone gives a partial view of what Sailfish OS is like.

These were the ten phones which made the strongest and the biggest impression in 2014 – though they aren’t the best phones of the year, but in many ways, these handsets broke new ground, and helped make the year more interesting.

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A big fan of Eminem. Nature Lover. Windows phone fan boy.


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