Top 10 Super Awesome Tips To Become A Rockstar Intern By Carl Unwala


good intern


1) When you take up an internship always look at the job and not the pay

2) Money cannot buy you anything but it only satisfies your wordily pleasures

3) Look at the quality of the job

4) Look forward into learning and gaining work experience rather than doing the job for a salary

5) Gaining work experience is a must as it helps you to move on further and with better work experience you can move up the ladder through promotions (since today’s world is very competitive)

6) You must learn from the job something and achieve a milestone within a certain time

7) If you feel you aren’t perfect for a job or that particular job leave the job, but before leaving see that you hop onto another job otherwise you won’t be anywhere. (You can’t put both your legs in two boats at the same time and sail)

8) Select the field you like to be in and then select the job

9) If you go into a wrong field never mind don’t give up, there’s always another chance in life.

10) Don’t let influence, trouble, negative vibrations from other colleagues enter you as once you are out from college you are in an open environment with thousands of people to communicate with

11) Last but not the least don’t forget that you are going for a job to work and make a career.

So don’t joke but go ahead and enjoy, the best is yet to come….


By Carl Unwala (BMS Graduate 2013-14)

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