Top 10 Superb Tips To Crack Internship Interviews By Gurpal Singh




1) Google about the company who has accepted your internship application. Know how the company will add value to your resume.

2) Dress professionally before walking into the interview office. Interviewers want to know how capable you are to deliver the tasks and you need to prove them the same in the interview.

3) Your body language, gestures, body posture, handshake, eye contact and everything matters including your communication skills. So prepare well!

4) Know your strengths and weaknesses and answer questions precisely.

5) Do not show your excitement, anger or frustration if you are asked to rework on anything.

6) Assure them that you are the right person to take in the company and you are willing to work full time as well in future with the same company.

7) Remember to carry a pen and a notepad daily and make notes of the important things learned on regular basis.

8) Ask doubts / feedback of your work and don’t get appreciation / criticism get into your head.

9) Update your supervisor about your daily progress even if not asked as it’s your duty to show them that you are willing to work for the company.

10) Do not try to impress by making any false statements but at the same time don’t be rude with your seniors.

All the best.



By Gurpal Singh (BMS Graduate 2011-12)

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