Top 12 Achievements of ‘Narendra Modi’ Revealed!


Narendra Damodardas Modi was born on 17th September 1950 and he is the 15th and current Prime Minister of India, a leader of BJP and had also served as the CM of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014.

narendra modi ji

Here is the list of Narendra Modi’s achievements before he became the PM of India:

01. According to India Today’s (India’s one of the vast read magazine) opinion, Narendra Modi is the best CM among all CMs of Indian states.

02. Hong Kong based brokerage house CLSA has praised Narendra Modi for his fund management skills related to Gujarat.

03. Top people from Japan, US, UK and other keep on meeting Narendra Modi. Its one of the achievement.

04. Gujarat has a large facility by Ford – automobile manufacturer

05. Population of Lions had increased in Gujarat under Narendra Modi’s rule. Thanks to his contribution.

06. For more than 10 years Narendra Modi is the CM for Gurajarat – Long serving CM.

07. UK government directly wants relationship with Gujarat than rest of India – courtesy, Narendra Modi.

08. Gujarat is the leading solar power generating state in India.

09. Gujarat has the largest e-serving network (13685 panchayats covered) comparing to other states in India

10. Gujarat International Finance Tech-City – a model for rest of the world

11. Narendra Modi has consistently been awarded as best administrator by different private organisations from all over the world

12. Police department of Gujarat will have its own ERP system implemented soon – its on the process.


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Aishwarya Mehta
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