Top 12 Classic Cartoons Of All Time


Classic Cartoons

We usually say childhood is the best time of our life and we wish to relive again, but what makes our childhood best is the amazing series of CARTOONS we watched all day. Most of us had that own set of cartoons series with which we grew up learning and laughing out with happiness. Here are some of my favourites which I enjoyed throughout my childhood.

  1. Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry is one of the classic and a great show of all times. The humour portrayed in the show was irresistible, whether you’re a child or not you still can’t stop yourself from watching this show. Although now the cartoon is getting way too boring and shitty yet I can’t ignore the fact that it made my childhood even more fun. I wish those old days come back and this series never comes to an end.

  1. Flinstone

Flintstone was an amazing series of the life of a working class Stone Age man with his family and friends. The humour, creativity and the fantasy version of the past like the dinosaurs, Saber-toothed cat, and mammoths, wearing clothes made of animal skin and cars made of stone which works on feet made the cartoon stand out from the others.

  1. Popeye the sailor

It was a fantastic show where the iconic sailor promotes eating of veggies; I remember when I was small my mom forced me to eat vegetables saying I’ll be strong like Popeye. Popeye’s girl olive was she was just like a stick and the violence between Popeye and Bluto was fun at times.

  1. Telletubbies

“Over the hills far away teletubbies come to play” I hope you remember this. This cartoon is just so adorable, the characters tinky-winky, dipsy, laa laa, po and the cutest of all the smile of the sun baby. Oh I still can’t forget those cute faces.

  1. Powerpuff girls

The three powerpuff girls Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, would run to save the city from the criminals using their super power within no time. Fascinated with their power I too wanted to be one like them.

  1. Sylvester and Tweety mysteries

The detective Granny, the physically abused Sylvester and the cute tweety brought out the detective spirit in ours. Although it would get boring half the while through the show it still somehow managed to keep our interests going over time.

  1. Dexter labority

Dexter was a child genius who kept on creating world-saving inventions in his secret laboratory. The amazing thing was a young kid having his own laboratory. Even though I did not watch the regularly but I loved the way he laughed.

  1. Jungle book (Mogli)

What I loved about the show was the catchy song it had that still there deep down my brain “Jungle Jungle baat chali hai, pata chala hai, Arre chaddi pahen ke phool khila hai phool khila hai” this series teaches a lot about friendship and relationships and what it means to live without a family, yet living happily with the people who love you. 

  1. Road runner

The cartoon made no much sense as the bird just kept running and coyote repeatedly attempts to hurt her, but kept hurting him.

  1. Scooby doo

It was an adventurous series where the entire team of Scooby-doo went in search of hidden mysteries. The lead of the show Scooby along with shaggy kept hiding himself due to fear of ghosts but somehow got the mystery solves.


No matter how the cartoons were funny or not they were the important part of my childhood and made it lively, without which there would be no laughs, no happiness, no fun and no learning.


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Daisy Pais


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