Top 12 Easy Ways To Rocket Sky Your Marks In Practical Subjects




 Practical subjects are always tricky to prepare for as you cannot memorize the theorems and pour on your answer paper. You would have to practice a bunch of problems on regular basis. 

Here are few easy ways to rocket sky your marks in practical subjects:
# 1. Don’t be disappointed with your previous results of FM, SSF etc.

#2.  Take notes of the practical subjects throughout the course duration.

#3. Take notes of the key terms, meanings, principles, formulae, concepts etc.

#4. Copy down example problems of each topic in full.

#5. Make sure you stick to 1 textbook of a particular publication.

#6. Practice example problems and questions occurred in university exams regularly i.e. once in a week.

#7. Check your answers yourself and rework if the answers are incorrect.

#8. You should be clear with each and every concepts to make your basics clear of the practical subject.

#9. If your concepts are unclear, take help from your faculty, classes or a friend who is master in that subject.

#10. If you are running out of time and stuck with a particular problem, skip it for the time being and come back to it later.

#11. Refer to websites, university papers, coaching classes material for extra problems for extra practice.

#12. Know your exam paper pattern and check what type of problems are allotted how many marks and how you will attempt them within a stipulated time.

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