Top 15 Manmohan Singh Jokes Trending On Twitter That You Can’t Stop Laughing At



After PM’s unusual press meet where he stated Rahul Gandhi is a promising leader for becoming the next PM, Twitter users lashed out with humorous tweets, here we list the best of them:

  1. Thank You PM Manmohan Singh for declaring your retirement officially… You have been “DISASTER” for the country and Indians.
  2. PM Manmohan Singh claiming Rahul Gandhi as the best PM candidate is like the blind leading the dumb to teach the deaf.
  3. If Milkha Singh is the  FlyingSikh of India.. then MMS (ManMohan Singh) must be the Lying Sikh of India.
  4. Guys befriend people who’re still singing praises for UPA, Congress and MMS. These are the people who’d never leave you in your worst times.
  5. Nice to see our PM speaking no matter what he does. I doubt if anyone bothers what he speaks. Listening his voice itself is rare.
  6. P.M. vouches for Rahul Baba’s credentials. God help the Congress Party.
  7.  Really disappointed no journalist got up in the middle of the PM’s presser to say “Tussi jaa rahe ho? Tussi naa jaao”.
  8. After all this fuss about , sources reveal PM Manmohan Singh was just lip synching with the recorded audio.
  9. In PM says we’ll now try to improve the economic conditions in the next 5 months, what happened to you in last 9 years? IRONIC
  10.  Rahul gandhi has outstanding credentials to be PM just like Uday chopra has outstanding credentials to be an actor.
  11. The PM made more sense while saying theek hai than during this entire press conference.
  12. PM Manmohan Singh: “Rahul Gandhi has outstanding credentials.” Arnab: “Never ever ever ever ever ever ever….”
  13. Manmohan Singh has requested SC to give copyrights of his today’s , so that no comedians can use it to make people laugh
  14.  Scary how many questions the PM begins answering by saying, “I’m sorry I haven’t thought that through, but…”
  15. Never seen a leader [THE leader] so unambitious. He does not even hope to keep his position, let alone fight for it.


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