Top 15 Most Hilarious #InAParallelUniverse Jokes And Tweets Viral On Social Media


When fans and tweeple come together, they create a parallel universe or alternate reality by making fun of film-stars, politicians, education system and states. Check out the 15 most hilarious ones:

in a parallel universe

  1. #InAParallelUniverse SRK got banned in theatres by acting in Chennai Express.
  2. #InaparallelUniverse Black bucks will chase down and shoot Salman Khan..They will then claim they were framed by the monkeys
  3. Rahul G talking sense #InAParallelUniverse
  4. #InAParallelUniverse people read books & discuss abt books rather thn discussing abt people
  5. #InAParallelUniverse men will come from venus and women from mars
  6. #InAParallelUniverse eating fried foods & chocolates wouldn’t make you fat
  7. #InAParallelUniverse kejriwal cough will be treated
  8. #InAParallelUniverse Delhi is most peaceful & safest place for girlzzz….!!!!!!
  9. #InAParallelUniverse Indian education will be abolished! !!!
  10. #InAParallelUniverse people would not copy twitter jokes and paste it in whatsapp
  11. #InAParallelUniverse there was a meaning of “Hmmm” in Girl’s Dictionary !!!
  12. #InAParallelUniverse Manmohan Singh is anchoring Times Now newshour
  13. #InAParallelUniverse AAP has created a country AAPland where the people are paid for the hours they protest
  14. #InAParallelUniverse Deepika Padukone has only one boyfriend.
  15. #InAParallelUniverse AAPtards , SRKians and Bhai fans all three have working brains.
  16. #InAParallelUniverse chickens would ask each other why the human crossed the road!

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