TOP 20 Ultimate English And Hindi Party Songs You Can’t Help But Dance To



Exams finishing and summer starting we just need a reason to throw pool party or house party or visit the most happening clubs in town or up for bedroom disco  but cant cue it up on your phone . Do not worry, here is a list which will  cause your dance floor to spontaneously react in a firework explosion of pure joy and body-moving ecstasy.

1) Titanium by David Guetta

2) Baby doll

3) I love it by icona pop

4) Where dem girls by David guetta

5) Shot me down by david guetta ft. skylar grey

6) Party on my mind – race 2

7) Liar liar by cris crab

8) Besharmi ki height

9) Chaar bottle vodka

10) Pound the alarm by nicki minaj

11) Animals mix by hardwell

12) We found love by rihanna

13) Angreji beat

14) Bollywood mashups

15) Starships by nicky minaj

16) Miami to ibiza (swedish house mafia)

17) Midnight memories (one direction)

18) Eat love rave repeat (swedish house mafia)

19) Live it up by pitbull

20) Dance again by jennifer lopez

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309

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