Top 25 Best Funny Hilarious Jokes On #YoKejriwalSoBrave Trending On Facebook And Twitter


When Delhi Chief Minister decided to take a dharna, Tweeple decided to take a dig at his decision. Here are funny hilarious ones:

  1. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he actually dared to think beyond IIMs
  2. #YoKejriwalSoBrave if Pakistan will attack India, He will give a tough reply by taking d whole Indian army with him 2 Border & sit 4 Dharna.
  3. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he fearlessly enters a lift with Tarun Tejpal
  4. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he is not afraid of giving Ishant Sharma to bowl in the last overs.
  5. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that when no party wants to be associated with Cong before 2014 elections, he decided to form Delhi government with it!
  6. #YoKejriwalSoBrave he ran away from Janata Darbar to save his life.
  7. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he can sit on Sheldon Cooper’s spot.
  8. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that 5000 jackals have left jungle and came to Delhi to take private tuitions from him
  9. Arvind Kerjiwal & Delhi is like Cricket to other sports! #Delhi #YoKejriwalSoBrave
  10. #YoKejriwalSoBrave That 3000 Police officials deployed to tackle Arvind Kejriwal and his team.
  11. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he taken hostage to all delhities for him own self serving gimmicks
  12. #YoKejriwalSoBrave his blatant disregard for peace of country and trust of people!
  13. #YoKejriwalSoBrave AK will replace David Moyes as the coach of Manchester United.
  14. Dramebaaz is sitting on front seat for media coverage without seat belt…!!#YoKejriwalSoBrave
  15. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he will turn Delhi Secretariat into the house of Big Boss so there can be proper cvrge of drama
  16. #YoKejriwalSoBrave Don’t understand what democracy or rule you will bring for AAM Aadmi. CM is doing Dharna, Janta ko chaiye tumse Darna….
  17. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he can lie on National Television and still say that he is the most Honest person
  18. Arvind Kejriwal should try Bollywood. As politics is not for him.#YoKejriwalSoBrave
  19. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he can eat roadside paanipuri in his quest to stick to Aam Aadmi principles.
  20. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that he can defeat Rajanikanth, BruceLee & Chuck Norris singlehandedly.
  21. #YoKejriwalSoBrave sitting on dharna and protesting is like a chef of a restaurant protesting & complaining against the food he cooks
  22. #YoKejriwalSoBrave he sit on dharna aganist his own children for not doing homework & watching pogo
  23. #YoKejriwalSoBrave that AAP is looking to give Lok Sabha tickets to those who have experience of conducting 5-10 dharnas.
  24. #YoKejriwalSoBrave he suggests all the soldiers to wear sweaters and scarfs instead of vests and helmets.
  25. #YoKejriwalSoBrave he visits beehive without his traditional #AAP topi and muffler to check their shelters.

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  1. Copycat Congress ?

    After Congress defeat in Delhi , Rahul Gandhi did say ,

    ” We have a lot to learn from AAP ”

    For a change , he meant it too !

    At the recently concluded AICC session , he outlined Congress Strategy for 2014 elections

    He said ,

    > We will ask people to tell us what they want . People will prepare our
    Election Manifesto

    ( AAP did it first )

    > We will let Congress workers to ” elect ” their candidates in 15
    constituencies ( ala , American Primaries )

    ( AAP did it in all the 70 constituencies of Delhi )

    > In many states , we gave responsibility to YOUNG and we will do so in
    many more

    ( AAP is THE party of young ! )

    > We will pay special attention to the ” NEW MIDDLE CLASS ” of 700 million

    ( Narendra Modi has already capitalized on this fact for 1 year ! )

    > In the first 3 months of being voted to power , we will aggressively
    attack inflation and corruption

    ( 1 year ago , AAP came into existence on exactly this premise ! )

    It appears that after bulldozing the wishes of ordinary people for the past
    66 years , Congress is about to re-invent itself !

    Not bad for a party of 128 years to learn , a thing or two , from a party which is 1 year old !

    Or is it merely a case of

    > a ” Re-Active Rahul ” ( as opposed to ” Pro-Active ” )

    instead of

    > a ” Copycat Congress ” ?

    * hemen parekh ( 20 Jan 2014 / Mumbai )

  2. AAP is the new Google !

    Eric Schmidt , Chairman – Google , was in India a few weeks back

    In an interview , he said ,

    ” It is quite possible that the next Google comes out of India ”

    May be he was thinking of AAP !

    Because AAP is the new Google

    Within months of being launched ( Sept 1998 ) , Google left behind the mighty and powerful , established search engines like Yahoo / MSN ( Bing ) / AOL / Alta Vista / Meta Crawler / Excite / Ask Jeeves etc

    In a similar fashion , ONE YEAR old AAP will soon leave behind , the mighty and entrenched political parties of India , such as , Congress / BJP / BSP / SP / TMC / CPI (M) / AIDMK / DMK / BJD / RJD etc

    Why is that not only ” possible ” but also highly ” probable ” ?

    Just look at what is happening on the streets of Delhi since yesterday morning

    Arvind Kejriwal – and his cabinet ministers – are sitting on a ” Dharna ” , near Rail Bhavan – and even sleeping on the footpath !

    They are raising their voice and challenging the ” ESTABLISHMENT ” of the corrupt / the criminals / the callous / the Congress

    For the first time in the history of independent India , the Ministers are not sitting in their air-conditioned Mahels

    They are out in the Mohallas , leading the people , ready to be arrested / lathi-charged / what have you !

    Without deviating from their peaceful , non-violent means

    They are walking in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi / Martin Luther King / Nelson Mandela / Dalai Lama

    They will teach the oppressed people of the World , how to bring about a change – democratically , without resorting to guns

    Nearly 72 years ago , on 9th Aug 1942 , Mahatma Gandhi asked British to ” Quit India ” – peacefully

    And gave to the people of India , mantra of ” Karenge ya Marenge ” !

    There is a strong possibility that the history may repeat today , outside the Rail Bhavan !

    People of India are welcoming the rise of the new GOOGLE in their political sky !

    * hemen parekh ( 21 Jan 2014 / Mumbai )

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