International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March each year all over the world. International Women’s day is celebrated to pay tribute to womanhood and collectively speak truth to power.
Here we present Top 25 Cute Awesome Inspirational Happy International Women’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In English For Facebook And Whatsapp:
U can get her love in the form of
Sister, Friend, Beloved, Wife,
in the form of Mother
in the form of Grandmother…..
so,…..Respect HER…
She is a Woman!
Happy Women’s Day!
IF fate favours you one day
& you are asked what you want to be,
don’t wish to be someone else….
because you are wonderful the way you are!
cheers to Womanhood!
Happy Women’s Day!
This LIFE has no existence without
a strong ally in WOMAN in every stage
of lifestarting from Motherhood to
Wife, Sister &finally a Daughter.
Happy Women’s Day !!
I asked GOD 4 a Flower, He gave me a garden
I asked 4 a tree He gave me a forest
I asked 4 a river He gave me an ocean
I asked 4 an angel He gave me you!
Happy Women’s Day!
Talented, Ambitious, Vibrant, (angel)
your enthusiasm in all your endeavors
inspires me! (bow) On Woman’s Day…
I wish success be with you always!
The willingness to listen,
the patience to understand,
the strength to support,
the heart to care & just to be there….
that is the beauty of a lady!
Happy Women’s Day!
For Women:To be happy with a man
you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
For Man:To be happy with a woman
you must love her a lot and
Not try to understand her at all.
Happy Women’s Day
The history of all times,
And of today especially,
Teaches that .. .
Women will be forgotten
If they forget to think about themselves.
Happy Women’s Day
U R The Passion,
U R The Mystery,
U R The Magic!
Happy Womens Day To D Most
Special Woman Of My Life!..
God created someone who is
Wise, & who
Only knows to love &
Make sacrifices..
One who
Encourages & one who
Never gives up
God created WOMEN.
Why did God create man 1st before creating a woman?
of course, b’coz its alwys gud to make a rough draft
1st before making a MASTERPIECE..
What is Real but Invisible?
-ur Care
what is true but unfair?
-ur Absence
What is sweet but Naughty?
-ur Smile
what is Precious but Priceless?
-Our Friendship
On this special day, celebrate life.
Take a break from your busy schedule.
Let your hair down, have fun and do what your heart says.
Coz today is your day.
Have a great Women’s Day!
A wonderful person and a great friend.
It’s a blessing to have both of them in you!
A very Happy Women’s Day to you!
She give you birth, she give you love,
She teaches you to smile,to reach that mile,
Its the woman behind every one,
The Synonym of beauty,Its her day…
Happy Women’s Day
May be I never say this but I hunt
you everywhere when i find myself alone…
Happy women’s Day
Wish you a very happy Women’s Day…..
Its you who’s making the difference in so many lives….
And I am one of them….
Have a wonderful day!
Beauty of Woman is in the caring that shows
The beauty of Woman with passing year only Grows.
Happy Women’s Day
I Asked God 4 A Flower,
He Gave Me A Garden
I Asked 4 A Tree He Gave Me A Forest
I Asked 4 A River He Gave Me An Ocean
I Asked 4 An Angel He Gave Me You!
Happy Women’s Day!
Women Is Symbol Of Power,
God’s Finest & Beautiful Creation
Without Whom No Creation Is Possible.
One Who Gives Birth N Nurtures.
Happy Women’s Day
To All Nears N Dears.
God created someone who is
Wise, & who
Only knows to love &
Make sacrifices..
One who
Encourages & one who
Never gives up
God created WOMEN.
On women’s day,
I’m thinking about
the special ways
you have made my life better.
The little things,
the not-so-little things…
Your kindness,
the way you always listen
and pay attention to me.
You make my world.
Every House, Every Feeling, Every Heart,
Every Moment of Happiness is Incomplete
Without YOU, Only You can fulfill these things in my life.
Happy Women’s Day..!
In Women’s Day, I just want to
Send you the simple wishes because,
We don’t have enough world
To describe your whole personality..!
U can do almost anything U put Ur mind to,
U can climb the highest peak & swim the deepest ocean,
Be a doctor or Fly a plane
U can face adversity & still walk tall.
U are strong, beautiful, compassionate,
Today is Urs and so is every other day..!
- Top 25 Cute Awesome Inspirational Happy International Women’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In English For Facebook And Whatsapp
- Top 10 Cute Awesome Inspirational Happy Women’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In English For Facebook And Whatsapp
- Top 25 Sweet Awesome Inspiring Happy Women’s Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages, Sayings In English For Facebook And Whatsapp