Top 25 Cute Awesome Lovely Romantic Passionate Happy Propose Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In English For Facebook And Whatsapp


propose day 1


All I wanted was sumone to care 4 me,
All I wanted was sumone who’d b there 4 me,
All I ever wanted was sumone who’d b true,
All I ever wanted was sumone like U…
“Happy Propose Day”

propose day 2


If Roses were Black and violets were brown
my love for you would never be found
but roses r red and violets are blue
all I want to say is I LUV U!
“Happy Propose Day”

propose day 3


Life counts all the roads we travel.
Sum are smooth, sum are rough
Sum I would rather 4get
But there’s 1 road I won’t regret-d road
Where we met n became friends.

“Happy Propose Day”

 propose day 4


I Love You For Not
What You Are
But What I Become
When I Am There With You.
SO Be With Me Forever…Happy Propose Day

propose day 5


Your eyes are soft and tender,

As sweet as they can be,

Theres one thing you must remember,

You are the one for me

Wishes for Propose Day 2014

propose day 6


If I reached for your hand , will u hold it ?
If I hold out my arms, will u hug me ?
If I go for your lips, will u kiss me ?
If I capture ur heart , will u love me ??
Wishing you a very Happy Propose Day…

 propose day 7


The Minute I Heard My First Love Story
I Started Looking For You,
Not Knowing how Blind That Was.
Lovers Don’t Finally Meet Somewhere.
They’re In Each Other All Along.
Happy Propose Day

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Proposing is entrance exam

Meeting is testing exam

Dating is physical exam

Marriage is the final exam

Happy Propose Day

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Your Voice Is the Melody Of Angels
Your Breath, the Scent Of Roses.
Your Eyes, are like Jewels
More Precious Than Diamonds

“Happy Propose Day”

 propose day 10


Hello My Sweetest Sweetheart,
I Just Want To Say U Something
I Had In My Mind Since We Met..
Will U Marry Me.. I Will Love
U Always, Always And Always..!

“Happy Propose Day”

 propose day 11


“Excuse me, do you have a band aid
because I scrapped my knee
when I fell in love with you.”
“Happy Propose Day”

propose day 12


I am opening an emotional bank account for u sweetheart
So deposit your love in it and you will get the interest.
Happy Propose Day.

propose day 13


I have a heart n that is true,
But now it has
gone from me to u,
So care for it just like i do,
B’COZ i have no
heart n u have two.

“Happy Propose Day”

propose day 14


‘I never saw so sweet a face
As that I stood before.
My heart has left its dwelling place
And can return no more.
Be with me forever.’

“Happy Propose Day”

propose day 15


As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & you’ll see that it’s true,
Day & Night my thought r for U..
“Happy Propose Day”

propose day 16


Your Eyes Are Like The Blue
Ocean, Your Lips Are Like The
Sweetest Part Of Nature. I
Want To Be With You All The
Time. Happy Propose Day My Love.

 propose day 18


Set A Place For Me In Your
Heart And Not In Your Mind
For The Mind Easily Forgets
But The Heart Always Remembers.
I Love You Happy Propose Day.

 propose day 19


Blue Diamond, Your Hair Are More
Colorful Than Sunshine, Accept
Me As Your Love & Make It
Beautiful For Me As Same As You!
Wish You A Happy Propose Day!

 propose day 20


The most important things are the hardest to say…
because words diminish them…
Forever yours…. (Your nAme)
Happy Propose Day to you..

 propose day 21


Life Counts All the Roads We Travel 
Some Are Smooth, Some Are Rough 
Some Would Rather Forget 
But There’s One Road, I Won’t Regret. 
The Road Where We Met & Became Friends 
Happy Propose day!!

 propose day 22


There is never a time or place for true love. 
It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment. 
Happy Propose Day!

propose day 23


In this world, it is too common for people 
to search for someone to lose themselves in. 
But I am already lost… I will look for someone to find myself in. 
Happy Propose Day!

propose day 31


I have Spent Many Sleepless Nights,
In Your Love And i don’t want,
My Son to Do same 4 Your Daughter,
So let’s make them Brother And Sister …
“Happy Propose Day”

propose day 25


Happy Propose Day..
Our Time Together Has Been True..
You Are A Real Friend And Are True..
We Talk And Share Our Feelings..
Good Or Bad..
Happy Or Sad..
Friends From The Beginning
To The End Of Time

 propose day 32


When I See You
I Know The Reason Why
So Let Me Hold Your Hand & Make You Mine
For That Would Intoxicate Me Like Sweet Wine…

Happy Propose Day!

propose day 27


For Happy Chocolate Day SMS in English:

Top 25 Sweet Awesome Lovely Romantic Delicious Happy Chocolate Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In English For Facebook And Whatsapp 


For Happy Propose Day Hindi and Urdu SMS –

Top 25 Sweet Awesome Romantic Lovely Happy Propose Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages, Shayari In Hindi And Urdu For Facebook And Whatsapp

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