Top 25 Indian Management Thougths And Practices (IMTP) Concepts You Need To Know

1) Role Personality – refers to role model. Personality traits we try to incorporate in our life. We try to fit ourselves in his/her role.
2) True Personality – refers to own personality. True personality can be modified and improved. Always keeps changing due to external control.
3) Ethical values / Values – Mental contents of a good person like satya or truth, ananda or bliss, ahimsa or non-violence, chit or consciousness etc.
4) Karma – refers to our action, words, thoughts and emotions. Law of Karma says you shall reap whatever you have sown or done in this life or next.
5) Characteristics of Leader – Innovative, creative, initiator, good communication skills, conceptual skills, focus, inspire, decision maker, visionary, self-motivated, achievement oriented.
6) Transformational leadership – Innovative ways to drive value and deliver real results in ever-changing business environment, inspires innovation and creativity to develop new products and technologies
7) Traditional methods of mind purification – Jnana Yoga i.e. Path of knowledge, Raja Yoga i.e. Path of mind control, Bhakti Yoga i.e. Path of devotion, Karma Yoga i.e. path of action
8) Learning – process of recognizing how a living being’s action changes its environment and other being’s actions.
9) Perceptual learning – ability to recognize stimuli that have been seen before. identify and categorize objects and situations.
10) Social learning – learn by observing the behavior and actions of models i.e. parents, teachers, elders, bosses, mentors etc.
11) Atma manthan – means introspection which gives a chance to an individual to search within himself his core competencies, values, strengths and accept positive aspects of life.
12) Motivation in management – motivate people to work individually and in groups to produce best results. ability to communicate, set examples, challenge, encourage, obtain feedback, involve, delegate, develop and train others.
13) Social audit – systematic study and evaluation of social performance of an organization. Assessment of social impact of a firm’s activities.
14) Detached involvement – also known as Nishkama karma, refers to non-attachment to the fruits or results of action, working without expectations e.g. Mother Teresa
15) Bliss – also known as Ananda, refers to perfect joy, a state of complete happiness, total control over inner self and mind.
16) Managerial performance – relationship between efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency which means doing things right and Effectiveness means ability to do the right thing.
17) Major functions of management – Planning, Organizing, Leading and Motivating, Controlling etc.
18) Knowledge workers – one who makes a living out of creating, manipulating or disseminating knowledge is a knowledge worker. e.g. teachers, trainers, professors, writers, academicians etc.
19) Learning organization – promotes exchange of information between employees and creates a knowledgeable workforce. accepting and adapting to new ideas and changes through a shared vision.
20) Personal Mastery – process of continually clarifying and deepening an individual’s personal vision which develops self esteem and confidence to tackle new challenges.
21) Self-control – detaching from the sense objects, free of desires and anger. absorbed in the self without any doubts and has stable insight and intellect.
22) Swadharma – one’s duty based on one’s behaviour, aptitude and inclination, working for the general welfare of the society.
23) Holistic approach to personality – based on unity, oneness. Law of life is offer of service to others and seeing yourself in all selves.
24) Dharmic leadership – one who tells people the difference between right and wrong. Behaves in ethical ways and see that others understand and practice ethical code.
25) Divinity – all people are equal and has to dealt with equal respect. Truth, divinity and culture are more powerful than money and entire HUMANITY is ONE.

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