Top 25 Interestingly Surprising Questions That Can Turn Your Employers Off


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While most of the employers after the job interview may ask you “Do you have any questions for me?”, candidates should understand that they have got this opportunity to ask genuine and thoughtful questions and not any random questions that can turn off your employers. It doesn’t mean that you don’t ask any question. You should ask to show that you are interested to know about the company and its initiatives. Below is a list of questions that you should definitely avoid to ask your employer during a job interview:


1) Can you tell me something more about your company?

2) How many warnings do you give before firing an employee?

3) Can I work from home when I am sick?

4) Can I apply in other organizations while working with your company?

5) Can I go for a vacation after working with your firm for a month?

6) When will you inform if I am selected for the job?

7) Have you shortlisted anyone else for this job?

8) What is the starting salary?

9) Can you put me in another role/profile?

10) How many week-offs or sick leaves are we allowed?

11) Does your company provide any insurances to the employees?

12) Do I have to work for extra hours if the tasks are not achieved?

13) How quickly can I get promotion / raise in salary?

14) What happened to the person who was working in this position before me?

15) I read / heard about a couple of gossips about the employees/senior officials of this company. Are they true?

16) How flexible are your working hours?

17) Do I have to report to office on time everyday?

18) How long is the break/lunch hours?

19) Do I have to work from office + home if the work load is more?

20) Can I bring my pets to work place?

21) Can I check the break room?

22) Do you monitor employee’s internet / social media / email accounts?

23) Can you tell the background of the CEO of this company?

24) Why is your company into this field?

25) How often do employees leave your company? / How often do you fire your employees?

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