Top 25 Interestingly Surprising Questions That Can Turn Your Professor Off



Are you a smarty who loves asking questions to your professor? Well, you can ask endless questions related to your course and your professor would smilingly help you out! But there are plenty of really inappropriate questions which you should avoid – atleast to ask your favorite professor so that you do not look stupid infront of your professor or class.


Apply your common sense instead of asking the below questions:

1) Why do we have to learn this subject/topic?

2) Did you cover anything important when I missed your last lecture?

3) Should I refer to your mentioned textbooks?

4) Do I have to note down whatever you teach?

5) Do you have your own subject notes?

6) Which textbook do you refer to while preparing the notes?

7) Which college you are passed out? What was your academic score?

8) Can I leave early? or Is it okay if I skip your lecture?

9) Do you have an extra pen / stapler?

10) Can you please teach slowly?

11) Can you explain in simple language?

12) Will this topic come in the exam?

13) Can you disclose important questions?

14) Can you disclose our internal marks/score?

15) Are you sure this answer is correct?

16) Are you there on Facebook/Whatsapp?

17) Did you reply to my email yet?

18) Do I have to study from any other book or I can stick only to your notes?

19) Can you email / call me when the final results are declared?

20) Can I call you at early morning or late night hours to clear my subject doubts?

21) Why do you teach this subject? / What interests you to teach this subject?

22) Are you single or married?

23) How can I top in your subject?

24) Does it bother what other students in the class talk about you?

25) Who are the worst professors in your department?

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