Top 25 Randomly Funny Questions To Ask Your Crush Without Being Crushed



Knowing about your crush in the class/school/college/office can be a nerve-wracking experience as you don’t wanna make them feel uncomfortable and run away from you but instead check to start a new relationship off on the right foot. Preparing for few questions in advance can be helpful but generally the excitement makes you to ask randomly funny questions and here’s a list of many of them:


1) How did you get your name?

2) Do you dislike hairy people?

3) What’s your weight?

4) Do you bite your nails?

5) How many times have you broken your mobile?

6) Are you a villain or a good guy/girl?

7) How many times do you lie in a day?

8) How often do you wash your ears?

9) What are your favorite internet websites?

10) Do you cry when you watch Bollywood movies?

11) Who’s your dream girlfriend/boyfriend?

12) What are your worst habits?

13) Do you believe in spirits? Or do you like to talk to dead people?

14) Do you have any criminal records?

15) Can you tell which is the outstanding rumor you heard about yourself?

16) How many times do you yawn in a day?

17) Can you be still friends with the one you broke up with?

18) Do you have a piggy bank?

19) What’s the craziest prank you have played on someone?

20) Tell me your top 3 weaknesses.

21) What is your aim in life? Are you doing anything to reach/accomplish it?

22) Which is the song/word/person that makes you angry?

23) What are your unusual phobias or fears?

24) Have you ever cooked your own food?

25) Would ever want to learn to fly?

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