Top 25 Sweet Auspicious Lovely Happy Dhanteras or Dhantrayodashi 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages In English For Facebook And WhatsApp


Happy Dhantrayodashi 20


1) Let’s venerate the festival of Dhanteras by:
Worshiping Lakshmi – the Goddess of Wealth;
Buying utensils to savour tasty meals;
Investing in Silver and Gold as jewellery;
Light a lamp for impending Diwali;
Wear new clothes and jewellery;
And draw Rangoli designs on pathways including the goddess’ footprints to mark the arrival of Lakshmi!
Happy Dhanteras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 21

2) On this auspicious festival, may your life:
Shimmer with Silver;
Shine with Gold;
And dazzle like Platinum!
Happy Dhanteras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 22

3) On the auspicious day of Dhanteras, may you decorate the business premises and make it colourful with traditional motifs of Rangoli designs to welcome the Goddess Luxmi.
May you also draw small footprints with rice flour and vermilion powder all over the house and keep the lamps burning all through the night, to indicate Her long-awaited arrival!
Happy Dhanteras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 23

4) Dhanteras is the first day of the 5 day Diwali Festival as celebrated in parts of north India. The festival, known as “Dhanatrayodashi” or “Dhanvantari Trayodashi”.
The word Dhan means wealth and Teras means 13th day as per Hindu calendar. It is celebrated on the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna paksha (dark fortnight) in the Hindu calendar month of Ashwin.
May you have an auspicious start to the Diwali festivities with Dhanteras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 24

5) I wish
D: Dazzling
H: Handsome
A: Abundant
N: Numerous
T: Tremendous
E: Enormous
R: Royal
A: Awesome and
S: Substantial
Wealth and riches for you during these Dhanteras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 25

6) Wish you and your family members a
D: Divine
H: Healthy
A: Amusing
N: Nuovo
T: Thrilling
E: Enjoyable
R: Ravishing
A: Auspicious and
S: Splendid

Happy Dhantrayodashi 26


7) On Dhanteras, Hindus consider it auspicious to purchase gold or silver articles or at least one or two new utensils. It is believed that new ‘Dhan’ or some form of precious metal is a sign of good luck.
“Laxmi Puja” is performed in the evenings when tiny Diyas of clay are lit to drive away the shadows of evil spirits. Bhajans, devotional songs in praise of Goddess Laxmi, are also sung.
Wish you very benevolent Dhanteras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 27


8) On Dhanteras, it is considered auspicious to purchase gold or silver articles or at least one or two new utensils. It is believed that the new ‘Dhan’ or some form of precious metal is a sign of good luck.
“Laxmi Puja” is performed in the evenings when tiny ‘Diyas’ of clay are lit to drive away the shadows of evil spirits.
‘Bhajans’ (devotional songs) are also sung in praise of Goddess Laxmi!
Have an auspicious Dhanteras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 43

9) Sun glows for a day,
Candle for an hour,
Matchstick for a minute,
But a wish can glow days forever,
So here is my wish for glowing Dhanteras,
glowing life!!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 42


10) God’s blessing may cum as a surprise

And how much U receive
Depends on how much
Ur Heart can believe.
May U be blessed beyond what U expect….
Subh Dhanteras 2 You & Your Family

 Happy Dhantrayodashi 41

11) May goddess Laxmi bless your business
to do well in spite of all odds like,
the enduring charms of gold and diamonds…
Happy & Prosperous Dhanteras

 Happy Dhantrayodashi 40

12) May this Dhanteras Celebrations
endow you with opulence and prosperity…
Happiness comes at your steps
Wishing many bright future in your life
Shubh Dhanteras.

Happy Dhantrayodashi 39

13) May this Dhanters Light up new dreams,
fresh hopes, undiscovered avenues,
different perspectives, everything bright &
beautiful and fill Your days with pleasant

surprises and moments.
Happy Dhanteras to you and your family.

 Happy Dhantrayodashi 38

14) May goddess Laxmi bless your business
to do well in spite of all odds like
the enduring charms of gold and diamonds
Happy Dhanteras


15) May this Dhanteras Celebrations
endow you with opulence and prosperity
Happiness comes at your steps
Wishing many bright future in your life
Shubh Dhanteras

 Happy Dhantrayodashi 36

16) On the auspicious day of dhanteras puja
Hindus follow the tradition of purchasing
precious metals gold, platinum or silver,
in the form of jewellery coins or utensils, for good luck.
Happy Dhanteras.

 Happy Dhantrayodashi 35

17) Dear Godess Lakshmi
Bless the reciepent of this message with thirteen times Dhan on this Dhan Teras
Happy DhanTeras!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 34

18) May Dhanteras Festival
Wishing you with Wealth & Prosperity
As you journey towards greater success
Happy Dhanteras

Happy Dhantrayodashi 33

19) dhanteras

Happy Dhantrayodashi 32

20) May this Dhanters Light up new dreams,
fresh hopes, undiscovered avenues,
different perspectives, everythin bright &
beautiful and fill ur days with pleasant surprises and moments.
Happy Dhanteras to you and your family.

Happy Dhantrayodashi 31

21) May goddess Laxmi bless your business
to do well in spite of all odds like,
the enduring charms of gold and diamonds…
Happy & Prosperous Dhanteras

 Happy Dhantrayodashi 30

22) May this Dhanteras Celebrations endow you with opulence and prosperity…
Happiness comes at your steps Wishing many bright future in your life
Shubh Dhanteras

Happy Dhantrayodashi 29

23) Adorn our lives else trite
With sparklers that motley skies
As soaring spirits of powder wander
Let us thank the heavenly might,
In this festive season of lights.
Happy Dhanteras!!!

Happy Dhantrayodashi 28

24) On the auspicious day of dhanteras puja
Hindus follow the tradition of purchasing precious metals
gold, platinum or silver, in the form of jewellery
coins or utensils, for good luck.Happy Dhanteras

Happy Dhantrayodashi 16

25) May Goddess Lakshmi and Dhan Kuber Maharaj bless your life to do well in spite of all odds like the enduring charms of Gold and Diamonds. Happy Dhanteras





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