Top 3 Awesome Happy Raksha Bandhan Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages in English 2014


Raksha Bandhan is a Hindu festival celebrated on 10th August 2014,Sunday. The day celebrates the love, care and affection between brothers and sisters. The festival celebrates brother-sister beautiful relationship in many parts of India by Hindus, Jains and many Sikhs.

Don’t miss to check : Raksha Bandhan SMS – Rakhi SMS Messages 2014

Here we present Top 3 Awesome Happy Raksha Bandhan Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages in English 2014

Raksha Bandhan 14

Raksha Bandhan is just an excuse for me to express myself:
Dear Sister,
You mean the world to me. I would not have been what I am, without you!
Happy Rakhi to my sweet sister!

Raksha Bandhan 16


I pray to God for your prosperous life;
May you find all the delights of life;
May all your dreams come true;
My best wishes will always be with you;
And I wish that you’ll always shower your blessings on me!
Happy Raksha Bandhan!

Raksha Bandhan 1

Like the fruit of the same tree might end up at different places but their weathering the storms and blooming together always ties them up with an invisible thread. Similarly, we also share the same roots. Our love binds us together, making sure we’ll remember where we came from and what we mean to each other.
Wishing you a joyous Raksha Bandhan!!

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