Top 3 Happy Father’s Day SMS, Text Messages, Wishes, Quotes For Facebook, WhatsApp


Father’s day in India is a new concept celebrated on 15 June 2014 where many families get together, prepare meals, distribute gifts to fathers or father figures.

Here we present Top 3 Happy Father’s Day SMS, Text Messages, Wishes, Quotes For Facebook, WhatsApp:


For the best dad who always had a smile for me. Though we may be far apart right now, But here’s a big hug and kiss for you To let you know how special you are
Happy Father’s Day!


Happy Father’s Day, Here’s A Little Song To Say “Happy, Happy Father’s Day”
No One’s Father Is So Sweet. Your Kind Ways Just Can’t Be Beat. Happy Happy Father’s Day; I Love You In A Big Way!!


Happy Father’s Day means more than flowers and gifts It means saying ‘Thank You’
It means saying ‘I Love You’ You are the best dad, and my best friend Today is your day. Let’s celebrate it together. Cheers!


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