Top 3 Latest News Pieces That Every Barcelona Fan Should Know About Its Favourite Team


FC Barcelona Football Club is not unknown top any, atleast not to the one who exist in the modern era. It is a dream team to enter for all aspiring to be footballers. It has broken many records and has achieved victories and glories that makes it the recognizable team that it is now.

Here are three news pieces related to this golden-team:



The heart-throb of trillions-Lionel Messi is unlike any ordinary player of soccer. By many he is worshiped as a God. He is said to be the Golden-Boy of team. He is considered to be the lucky-charm of the team too.
Recently, the news came out that the match to be held on the 15th of February will be marked as his 300th League Game.

Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi
The star of the team-Lionel Messi
The star of the team-Lionel Messi
The Barcelonise Team
The Barcelonise Team



2. Making of Century Passing all Hinderance

Yes, that’s true FC Barcelona has has managed top score a grand total of 100 plus goals in this season. It would have been shocking if this level would have been crossed by any other team but since it is FC Barcelona it is just another achievement proving their capabilities.
The major contributors are Messi, Neymar and Pedro.

Messi, Fabregas, Neymar, Pedro and  Sanchez-STAR PLAYERS
Messi, Fabregas, Neymar, Pedro and Sanchez-STAR PLAYERS


3. The Barca Deal

Barcelona has always been first in setting many records out of which one has been signing an agreement with Scholas Occurentes (a network of schools). This agreement was signed by the club’s President Josep Maria Bartomeu on behalf of his team in the Vatican City with the Vice-President Jordi Cardoner and Ramon Pont and Ramon Cierco and also the director Pau Vilanova.
In the Paul IV in Vatican City itself the meeting was attended by Barca team and then in the second half the Pope had joined the event.
“We found the Pope to be very receptive, he’s a great person, very warm and he uses the same language that we all use. He’s a Pope who lives in the real world and understands young people’s problems.The project seeks to bring children a better future and we are proud to have been chosen to participate. We are the first sports club in the world to join and we’re very proud of that. It says a lot for FC Barcelona’s values, which are what represent us around the world.”-these were the words of Bartomeu after dealing with Pope.
The main aim of this agreement was the enhance peace with the medium of education.

FC Barcelona is a team that will always be written in Gold in the history of Soccer.

Few Barcelonise quotes-

The FC Barcelona Qoute
The FC Barcelona Quote


Andres Iniesta
Andres Iniesta


Thiery Henry
Thiery Henry


Pep Guardilo
Pep Guardilo



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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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