Top 4 Diet Myths Debunked: Diet Facts Revealed


diet myths debunked

There’s a long list of tricks to lose weight fast, and it seems like a new one is discovered every day. Everyone has an opinion on how to lose weight fast. But how can you separate myth from fact? Here are some common diet myths that not only don’t work, but may actually be harmful to your health.

 weight loss myths

  1. Skipping Meals will never help you to Lose Weight: Skipping meals is dangerous. For instance, When you eat only salads for two weeks then you don’t burn the fat off your body; you burn lean muscle, causing your body to go into starvation mode. In other words, your body learns to need fewer calories on a daily basis. So when you stop dieting or fasting, you’ll likely gain back the weight even faster than you lost it.
  2. Stay away from fat: Not all fat is bad for you; in fact, health experts believe that about one-third of your energy should come from fat. Unsaturated fats from foods like avocado, seafood, and olive oil can lower cholesterol and assist in transporting fat soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K throughout body. so see not all fats are bad.
  3. The Magic Diet Pill: There’s no such thing as a magic diet or weight-loss pill. Not only are weight-loss drugs unlikely to work in the long run, they can also be severely dangerous. You need to work out and diet right if you want to lose those extra pounds.
  4. Eat Late Gain Weight: It’s not when you eat, it’s what you eat. Eating late will gain your weight this statement is simply not true. What matters is the total amount you eat and how physically active you are in a 24-hour period.


There is no “one perfect diet plan” as everyone has a different body everyone requires different amount of nutrients. You should have a right diet plan and should not starve yourself . Only one formula for dieting is “Exercise Right And Eat Right”.





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