Top 5 Arvind Kejriwal Jokes Going Viral On Twitter And Facebook



 Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal was attacked by the opposition for going back on his promise to end the VIP culture in Delhi when he was prepared to move into a 5-bedroom duplex flat in central Delhi. As soon as he refused to occupy the new house, Facebook and Twitter users cracked jokes on him and here we list the top 5 Arvind Kejriwal jokes going viral on social media:


1) That awkward moment when Arvind Kejriwal gives you a business card that says “nobody”

 2) Next time though Kejri says “main samanya aadmi hoon” someone should say, in their best Govinda voice, “Control yaar”.

 3) Kejriwal said no to politics, joined. Abused corrupt Congress, joined hands. Criticised official perks, took them. Embraced irony, killed it

 4) Kejriwal being scrutinized like nayi bahu who the son has married against family’s wishes.

 5) Arvind Kejriwal : IIT in first attempt,

IRS in first attempt,

CM in first attempt..

Apni to Activa bhi nahi start hoti pehli baar me.


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