Top 5 Awesome Ramzan 2015 SMS, Ramadan Wishes, Greetings, Quotes, Text Messages


Top 5 Awesome Ramzan 2015 SMS, Ramadan Wishes, Greetings, Quotes, Text Messages

1) Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Quran,
as a guide to mankind,
also clear (Signs) for guidance
and judgment (between right and wrong).



2) Wishing u 1 month of ramadan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!
Ramadan Mubarak



3) Ramazan Mubarak!
No matter weather is of autumn,
Collect and distribute more than enough.
May Allah favours!
i’m here 4ever!!




4) Dear friend,
Your validity for taking food during the day time has expired.
Please fast next 10 days to resume your day time food.

Thank you for eating.
Happy Ramzan



5) As the mountain high,
U move without sigh;
like the white linen flair,
Purity is always an affair;
As sunshine creates morning glory,
fragrance fills years as flory;
with the immaculate eternal smile,
attached to u mile after mile;
All darkness is far away,
As light is on its way;
Wish all of u a very happy Ramadan


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