Top 5 Best Mobile Women Safety Apps In India



With women being subjected to growing violence certain apps have been shortlisted as must have apps in one’s mobile phone. One’s safety these days cannot be taken for granted !! These safety apps provide a smart way to stay safe on the road and alert family, friends or police in distress situations.

Here are a list of top 5 must have safety apps:

Women Safety

1) Scream Alarm!

This is a free safety alarm, which does only one thing – scream with a women’s voice on pushing a button. Scream Alarm is a perfect app to raise alarm in distress situations.

Women Safety

2) Bsafe

A personal safety alarm that sends an emergency message to your chosen contacts with the push of a single button, bSafe’s slogan is “Never walk alone.”  All Guardians receive a text message with a link to a map showing your location via GPS. You can also program a Fake Incoming Call if you are threatened, with six options for when the call should be initiated (immediately, 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes.)

Women Safety

3) Vith u

VithU, is an emergency App that, at the click of the power button of your smartphone 2 times consecutively begins sending out alert messages every 2 minutes to your contacts that you feed into the app as the designated receivers or guardians. The message says “I am in danger. I need help. Please follow my location.” The receiver will receive a link to your location every 2 minutes giving them your updated location.

Women Safety

4) Nirbhaya

Nirbhaya: Be Fearless is an emergency application, which can send a distress call or emergency message to a specified contact or group in an emergency situation faced by a woman or any other individual in general. Correct Location, Information and Communication, with and from the app is dependent upon the basic hardware/software requirements, like – Active Data plan, SMS plan, minimum talk time and active GPS functionality.

Women Safety

5) Hollaback

“Hollaback! You have the power to end street harassment” is the tag line for this app which tackles the crime one perpetrator at a time. Users can choose to take and upload a photo of their harasser “caught in the act” and submit their story to be recorded and mapped on This not only signals the perpetrator that his image will be shared and posted on a street harassment prevention website, but also warns others of areas in which harassment occurs.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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